Suleyman Demirel University is 32 Years Old

Süleyman Demirel University celebrated its 32nd anniversary with a magnificent ceremony held at the Prof. Dr. Lütfü Çakmakçı Cultural Center. The ceremony revealed the journey the university has taken from the past to the present and gained meaning with the coming together of former and current rectors. Our current rector and faculty dean Prof. Dr. Mehmet Saltan and former rectors Prof. Dr. M. Lütfü Çakmakçı, Prof. Dr. Metin Lütfi Baydar, and Prof. Dr. İlker Hüseyin Çarıkçı gave speeches at the event. Each of them talked about the important milestones the university had taken during their respective terms of office. While the 32 years that SDÜ left behind were commemorated at the ceremony, it was also emphasized that the university will continue to contribute to society and science in the future and that our university will continue to develop at full speed. As the Faculty of Sports Sciences, we congratulate our university on its 32nd anniversary and wish it a future full of success.

Yayın Tarihi: 15/10/2024
Okunma Sayısı: 71