"You Dress a Child" Project was Completed within the Scope of Community Service Practices Course


Within the scope of the "You Dress a Child" project in the Community Service Practices course of Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Sports Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports, tracksuits were presented to the students of "Şehit Şükrü Çakar Secondary School" to use while doing sports. The school was visited by our Vice Deans Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kumartaşlı and Assoc. Prof. Olcay Salici, Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, Assoc. Prof. Tahir Kılıç, the faculty member in charge of the course, Assoc. Prof. Hulusi Alp, and the students taking the course.

Yayın Tarihi: 18/04/2024
Okunma Sayısı: 124